For daughter, Birthday wishes cards, gifs, images
Free birthday wishes cards, gifs, images for daughter messages.

Happy Birthday to our dearest daughter!
You have always made us proud.
Happy Birthday to our dearest daughter!
Wow, we’re starting to run out of space on the cake with all these candles! You’re catching up to me. Happy birthday to my Daughter !
Happy birthday, daughter! The world is a better place because you’re in it!
Happy birthday, to my one and only daughter!

Happy birthday to my precious daughter!
As you blow out your candles, stop and give thanks for all of life’s blessings. I pray for you daily. Happy birthday, my angel.
You might think this card is late, but somewhere around the world it’s still your birthday. Happy Birthday, daughter!
You are loved for the little girl you were, for the special woman you are, and for the precious daughter you will always be. Have a wonderful birthday!

Every day you make me proud. But today you get a card. Happy Birthday Daughter !
Happy birthday! You are the absolute best daughter any mother could ever have!
I suppose it’s too late to return you to the stork, right? OK, I guess we’ll keep you! Happy birthday
The day you were born was the greatest moment of my life. I am so grateful that I have a daughter as honest, beautiful, and intelligent as you. Happy birthday to my baby girl!
Happy birthday to my darling daughter!
Happy birthday to the sweetest girl I know!
I’m the luckiest mom on earth because I have you as a daughter. Happy birthday, to my special girl.
I regret to inform you, but your childhood has expired. Happy 18th Birthday, daughter!
I wouldn’t trade you for the world. Well, unless of course the price is right! At any rate, happy birthday, daughter!
Cake should be the only food we eat today! Remember, mothers always know best. Happy birthday, my sweet!
May all your birthday wishes come true — except the illegal ones. Happy birthday my Daughter!
I should be the one getting presents today. After all, I’m the one who brought you into the world! Happy birthday Daughter!